Supports Families, Children, & Child Care Providers
in Centre, Juniata, Mifflin, Northumberland, Snyder & Union Counties
Foster Families
Foster Families not only provide shelter, but also care for, nurture, and support the children temporarily in their care. Additionally, they may provide mentoring and guidance to birth families that can greatly assist reunification efforts.
When a child(ren) are placed with a foster family, it is usually a temporary arrangement to provide for the care of a child(ren) whose birth parent is unable to care for them for a variety of reasons.
Foster care can be arranged through the courts or a social service agency or sometimes an informal arrangement. The usual goal is to reunited the child(ren) with the birth family, but may be changed to adoption when this is seen as the child's best interest.
If you are a foster parent that is in need of assistance with child care, please contact our office to start your application or begin by applying online.
Please see below for requirements
Each county CYS or Foster Placement Agency varies in their ability to assist foster families with care. At minimum, you can expect a co-payment and other charges the provider may collect.
PLEASE check with your placement specialist at CYS or other Foster Placement Agency to inquire about the assistance they will provide for child care
Priority Funding is given for foster children, based on the date the application is received. The ELRC can not reimburse for child care or other fees that are accured prior to application date.
EVERY Family must meet the following criteria:
(same requirements as Low Income Families)
You must live in Pennsylvania.
Letter From CYS or Foster Placement Agency (see sample letter)
Have proof of identification for each parent or caretaker in the home.
ALL parent/caretakers MUST Work an average of 20 or more hours a week; OR Work an average of 10 or more hours and attend an accredited training program an average of at least 10 hours a week.
Training programs must be nationally accredited and can include adult basic education, English as a second language, 2 or 4-year technical, professional or undergraduate programs. Your training program can be in person or online.
Have a promise of a job that will start within 30 days of your application for subsidized child care.
Work MUST coincide with the hours needed for day care.
Submit income verification, however income is excluded for eligibility purposes (unless you are requesting case for your own children as well).
If Self-Employed, must be able to show profit.
If requesting care for your own children you will need to also submit verification that ALL children needing care are United States Citizen or legally admitted alien for permanent residency.
Complete Face to Face Appointment.
Compete Annual Redetermination.
The letter that you should receive from your placement agency should have the following information:
Name of Child
DOB of Child
SSN of Child
Citizenship of Child
County and Name of Foster Placement Agency
Date of Placement with Agency
Names of Foster Parent(s)
Address of Foster Family
Date Placed with Foster Family
Employer Information of Foster Parent(s)
Permission to Use Child Care for Child